Shipping and return policies for GLXY Recs.

Shipping Info
Physical items ship from The Netherlands using DHL or PostNL.

Prices shown on Bandcamp are excluding VAT and excluding shipping. If you place a second order please add a note and we'll merge it with the first one and refund you your double paid shipping costs.

Approx. shipping times:
EU and Europe - 3 to 5 days
North America - 5 to 9 days
RoW - 3 to 5 days

The given delivery periods are always an indication. It can of course occur that a delivery lasts a little longer than the indicated period.
Return Policy
If there's a problem with your order please get in touch via the Bandcamp page. We'll reply to you within two days and will work with you to sort out any issues.

All returns must be made within 30 days of your date of delivery. We cannot pay for (read: cover) shipping on returned orders.

If an item is returned to us as undeliverable, please note that we will need to charge the additional shipping fees to re-send the package.